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How to have successful team catchups and run effective meetings, remotely
When working remotely one needs to put more effort and structure into coordinating teamwork, and ensuring each person can ask for help and get the support they need. You won't be able to quickly walk over and ask for help or see that someone is struggling and needs a hand. Regular catchups, with a good meeting structure, go a long way to ensuring that all team members have the opportunity to: Check-in on how they are doing. Share their work...
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Tax and Debt Management
Drowning in tax debt? Don’t owe the South African Revenue Service (SARS) the tax liability they say you do? Perhaps you don't even know whether or not you have a tax liability due. Deciphering tax assessments and managing tax debt can be overwhelming. SARS does, however, provide resources and channels through which you can gain a better understanding of your tax compliance status and tax liability. In addition, you can make certain applications or requests to...
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Create a cash flow friendly business
The term "Cash is King" rings true and is crucial for the survival of any business. Statistics have shown that 80% of businesses fail in their first three years due to a lack of support. Poor cash flow management is at the top of the list of issues that require support. What is cash flow management? In theory and simply put, cash flow management is: Cash coming into the business as early as possible, Cash exiting the business...
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South African Taxation Considerations of Virtual Currencies for Individuals
Background Cryptocurrency is a virtual or digital currency that can be digitally traded as a medium of exchange. Virtual currencies were designed to be a type of currency which is solely controlled by its individual user with peer-to-peer technology to operate and removes the central or commercial banks from the process. Although virtual currencies were originally designed as a type of currency, they are currently being treated as high-risk speculative investments due to their price volatility. Consequently,...
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