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Equity Incentives – A game changer for SMEs
Whether you are a new startup trying to raise seed capital, determining how to allocate the company shareholding or looking to benefit your employees - equity incentives can be a game changer. Equity sharing not only rewards employees but recognises the importance of them to their company. In turn, the company is able to attract, incentivise and retain performing and loyal employees. The incentive industry, like the entrepreneurial industry around it, is constantly evolving. In addition to...
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How to Fund your Business and Unlock Growth
One of the main challenges for early-stage businesses in South Africa is access to funding. This is not as a result of a lack of available finance but rather due to a range of issues, including, but not limited to, regulations, complex finance application processes, and the economic climate. An important component to successfully financing your business’s growth is identifying what strategy is the most suitable for both you as the owner and for your...
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